Upcoming courses and competitions

Posted 11 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

There are several big events coming up, now is the time to get yourself sorted!

  • Sat 2nd - Sat 9th Nov, Central Plateau Contest @ Taupo. Early bird registration before 1st Oct.
  • Sun 17th - Fri 22nd Nov, Fly fast course @ Matamata. Registration closes 20th Sept.
  • Sat 23rd - Sat 30th Nov, Northern Region Gliding Championships @ Matamata. Early Bird 20th Oct.
  • Sat 28th Dec - 10th Jan, Multi Class Nationals @ Matamata.

Currently all 3 singles are out of action, but XP should be back within a couple of weeks after it's repairs.

NI has just had damage to the rudder while in transit, a good reminder to everyone to be very careful how secure gliders are in their trailers.

SN had trouble getting the tail on when rigging, so we've sent it up to be checked.

The winch appears to be working better and better. We had lots of people trying it out over the weekend. A few teething issues such as ensuring we have all the weaklinks, and tools to change them... Note the list of weaklinks and max speeds for a variety of gliders is posted on the wall in the caravan.

Look at the queue for the winch!
Look at the queue for the winch!

Book Launch: Iggy's Air Force Tales

Posted 11 years, 5 months ago    0 comments

This is the book for anyone who ever flew or who ever dreamed of flying. 

During three decades in the RNZAF, Iggy Wood took to the sky in gliders, Harvards, Vampires, Devons, Airtourers, Strikemasters, Skyhawks and Macchis. From time to time, he also flew a desk. Iggy’s anecdotes about the people, places and planes he encountered during his RNZAF career are silly, sad or serious - and may well have become embellished over time. Iggy’s Air Force Tales is a 164 page collection of stories, with a foreword by Air Cdre (retd) Stewart Boys and first- hand accounts from guest contributors. 

Please join us for a drink and more flying stories to celebrate the launch of Iggy’s Air Force Tales at:

Piako Gliding Club
from 5pm to 6.00pm
on Saturday 10 August 2013

OR if a Hamilton venue suits you better, we would love to see you and your partner at Waikato Aero Club, 5.15 - 6.15pm, Friday 16 August 2013.

Iggy’s Air Force Tales - $40 (plus $7.50 p&p)

Cash or cheque preferred, or payment on invoice. To order, please contact

Diana Wood - diana@morethanwords.co.nz


Book launch Piako.pdf

Order form.pdf

How many pilots does it take to derig a glider?

Posted 11 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

Find out below!

First up thanks to everyone who came along to the Mid Winter dinner, it was a big success again with a great meal from Jan, Bill and Joan, a great talk from Steve Wallace about retention of members, and a great turnout with a full house.

The awards this year go to:


  • Will Camp April 2012
  • Pieter Bronkhorst February 2013
  • Hamish Crequer, April 2013


  • Carl Henderson November 2012
  • David Muckle November 2012
  • Paul Castle November 2012
  • Mark Shrimpton March 2013

50km Silver Distance Badge

  • David Muckle December 2012 

300km Gold Distance Badge

  • Neil Raymond December 2012


President’s Pot Awarded to Alan Belworthy for his attempted 750km flight.

Ken Bartlett Trophy Awarded to Tim Bromhead for again for winning the Trans Tasman Trophy for NZ again, this time winning in Australia.

DeRenzy Pot Awarded to Dave Dennison for his enthusiasm and general good airmanship.

Les Riesterer Short Course Trophy Not awarded this year.

Catlin Trophy Awarded to Dave Muckle for a flight on 23 February 2013 with a sped of 81.32km/hr. 

Care 200 Trophy Not awarded this year. 

Dave McPherson 1 Diamond Trophy Awarded to Alan Belworthy for a flight on 25 January 2013 300km triangle with a speed of 98.06km/hr.


So how many pilots? A lot... Thanks to Will for this :)

Direct youtube link here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYqjutykSUo


Youthful Winglet

Posted 11 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

I know, its an unexpected re-appearance out of obscurity, and no, I have not discovered the elusive fountain of youth,  but it has to be done .I am privileged to be lending a hand at the first Youthglide camp at Matamata and I just cannot stay silent !

First off though a comment on the clubs weekend - rather ignominious regrettably.

Saturday saw a full duty team turn out and ready themselves, only to find they were the only bods on the airfield (virtually anyway) and there were no pilots in sight! They packed up , as you would, and cancelled the day.

Sunday, Land-out barbeque day, and the difficult choice had to be made - ON or OFF. ON was the call so I scurried down and got the barbie going with lots of help from Bill &Jan. Dave Muckle busied himself with a BFR flight, Robin Britton, Steven Care and Tony Petch in attendance, and the the wait was was on!

Having declared a midday start, it semed only fair at 1:30, to go and get the team from the caravan, who were dodging showers by this time, and ask for their help in reducing the pile of patties and sausages that were looking for a new home. Yes, it was a party organizers nightmare - nobody came!! I did have two messages come in however, and it seemed the day was just too bad where they were to think about a bbq, which I completely understood, but there we were - flying!!! Sun even at one stage.

However, once the buns had gone we high-tailed it to the caravan and packed up ahead of an ominous sky and as the last glider was put away, it came down upon us! 

So we were unable to personally thank our farming community for the fabulous receptions they always give us, but do keep a look-out for them, as I have a feeling they may drop in on us as so many of them were so genuinely delighted to hear  from us. Without them and their receptive attitude towards us, we would not have a sport. So take every opportunity to thank them and show our appreciation for their hospitality.

Now to Monday and Day one of Youthglide camp April 2013!!!! Who better to tell youth than the particpants themselves and to do this I hand the keyboard to Enya McPherson - who made the mistake of telling me how much she loves writing ...............

Its exciting being part of the first Youth Glide camp at Matamata, with 9 students currently, however, increasing to 13 by the end of the week we are sure keeping the instructors on their toes! Monday began with a breifing from Steven Care on area famil to get us all used to the new gliding enviroment, as well as an introduction on the camp from Bill Mace, a huge amount of organising has gone into this week and Bill is the man to thank! Along with everyone else involved in the planning, its no one man game and a huge amount of time, support and sponsorship has gone into the camp already.

We were all dodging rain showers most of the morning and had briefings on what we were going to be doing up in the air that day. Four of us are working towards our B Certificates and with little wind, our instructors decided brakes jammed open or closed would be a good exercise. Two 4 minute circuits with my brakes being 'jammed open' as I completed my pre landing checks deemed I could proficienctly land if it ever happenend for real. Carter Cree and Campbell McIver also practiced these exercises and are well on their way to achieving their B certificates.The pre-solo pilots practiced some circuits before calling it a day at the end of civil twilight. Paul even googled it, before telling us we had 37 minutes of day light left! We sure made the most of the last few tows and had a total of 11 flights that day.

Tuesday morning, we had a lecture on Human Factors with Russell Thorne from Auckland, which we all found really interesting and kind of scary to think 80% of accidents are caused by human error! After taking everything he said on board we all headed out to rig a couple of new additions to this weeks gliding fleet, - a Single Astir and a Duo Discus. Again, dodging the rain showers we were all ready to launch just before another rain band came through, we managed a few flights before midday and then started again after Jan Mace and her cooking expertise looked after us during lunch. A total of 14 flights today ranging from circuit times to just under an hour an a half for Oliver Roberts, who managed to get the ridge working with Bill Mace. A good day had by all, with lots more signatures on everyones A and B certificates. 

Bring on the rest of the weeks soaring!
We are going to be holding a final dinner starting at 6:00pm on Saturday evening 27 April with Abbey Delore speaking about her experiences with Youth Glide. Those interested in coming along, please contact Bill or Jan at the club before Friday night.


My thanks to Enya - keep coming back for her daily updates. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday night!!



New wifi at the club

Posted 11 years, 9 months ago    2 comments

We've just installed a new wifi system at the gliding club for the Matamata Soaring Centre. Disturbingly it looked like an amazing flying day, but never mind. Here's a panorama of the cloudscape from the roof.

Thanks to Bill, Julian and Hadleigh for making it happen.

It should provide much better coverage around the airfield, and even down to the end of the airfield if you've got a good receiver. The camping ground will now have much better reception too.

If you need a password for it, get in touch with Bill, Julian or myself. We'll send out more details once we've finished setting it up properly


What a nice weekend

Posted 11 years, 9 months ago    0 comments


A lovely jaunt down to Titraupenga with Bill yesterday. Turned out better than the forecast looked.

Sun?! Who needs sun
Sun?! Who needs sun

More clouds
More clouds

Looking down on Titraupenga
Looking down on Titraupenga


Today was forecast to be the better of the days, with a solid thermal strength on RASP. And indeed it was. Four of us, Bill in RR, Bob in YL, Alan in RY, and myself in XP tootled our way down to Waipunga Falls, almost halfway on the Napier/Taupo highway. We had to use airspace a lot of the way, and this was problem free. Cloudbases up to 6500 feet at the turnpoint and the ride home was definitely easier than the ride down.

I put my flight on the online competition, view the day here:

Heading down to Tokoroa
Heading down to Tokoroa

Mt Tahara, next to Centennial Park
Mt Tahara, next to Centennial Park

A good looking sky to the turnpoint
A good looking sky to the turnpoint

On the way back. Things were thickening up nicely, with gaps between getting bigger.
On the way back. Things were thickening up nicely, with gaps between getting bigger.

Winglets Extra – hot news and a correction of a previous half truth ….

Posted 11 years, 9 months ago    0 comments

Aah dear readers I am sure I have your undivided attention!!

Firstly the hot news:

This Sunday around 2:30 we will be visited on the airfield by David Marriot of Nelson Pilot Training to demo his Sportstar’s aerotowing prowess. Feel free to spectate or take a tow, and give some feedback on how things looked to you.

Sportstar Tour Flyer - MT.pdf


Secondly – a correction to last winglets.

Apparently I am showing true prowess at journalism first jump at the news, then twist it to suit what creates readership – don’t worry about the facts, or careful and thorough checking of how the events unfolded, and for heavens sake don’t check with another source to see if what you have is factual. Yep – I score 10/10.

It seems that my announcement of Gina Pirrits’s solo was a little exuberant - there was ballast in the glider in the form of her dad Jamie. Now if he hadn’t been ther it would have been a solo – he was virtually not there but ......... Seems I got so caught up in the handshakes and high fives – I missed a tiny weeney detail.

I should have realized something was wrong when I was not presented with the drink I demanded in the bar later, but I put that down to me just being ignored again.......

Back into the kennel....




Weekly Winglets - little tipbits from the week that was (11) and other half truths ….

Posted 11 years, 10 months ago    0 comments
