Weekly Winglets - little tipbits from the week that was (50)….

Posted 12 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

Thermalling weather still!

Last Wednesday was a lack-lustre day but 6 flights were notched up by a trial flight, Phil Cox, Carl Henderson, Peter Minor and Ian Finlayson, ably assisted by Iggy Wood in PNE and Ralph Gore – so I am reliably informed.

Saturday started a great summer weekend  and the club activity was pleasing to see, despite the lack of WW (returning this week as SN) and NI being stuck in the corner next to a dead BZA – (shouldn’t decompose and begin smelling too soon, although the signs are there that age is upon her as the vital bones begin to crack under very normal loads). Actually, I feel a rant coming on – its bloody disgusting that proper replacement parts that are clearly poorly engineered and defective, should continue to be sold and legitimized, placing pilots at risk and causing consequential damage to aircraft not retrofitted with an emergency system to prevent damage when the part breaks. Pardon me – could we just have the parts made properly, and not have to pay through the nose for rubbish. The originals lasted 40 odd years the new ones last 2. Maybe the South American drug lords are finding good investments in aircraft part manufacturing, or did the red shed get involved?  

Ahem. Back to Saturday – the numbers shot up to 15 according to the computer, but the last 2 flights were pilotless if the data is to be believed, however someone paid for these drone experiments and I am pleased to advise that PC is none the worse for wear, so all systems must have functioned OK. Truth is I suspect Josh Money was bashing circuits and the repetition might have been too much for Neil. Stop there – a HUGE thank you to Neil who graciously, and very typically, did not remind me that he should not have been on the duty roster at all, due to the fact he is our MO and puts a very large amount of his free time into keeping our fleet shipshape and re-building our winch with the rest of his spare time - I’m sure I heard his cows complaining the other day that they never saw much of him any more. Thanks mate I will see that doesn’t happen again – forget Raglan, someone will volunteer, WON’T THEY!!!!

Next time you rock up after all the gliders are on the grid, fly, and bugger off before its time to put the fleet away, think about Neil, the instructors and club officers, and a few general members, who all willingly give heaps of time to make it possible for the club to function. They pay the same fees as you and often overlook claiming minor expenses just for the love of what they do. If you feel you have nothing special to give, you are wrong, your time would be appreciated and taking the time to contribute and socialize builds a better club spirit – and our beer is very well priced!

Sorry, another rant/distraction, but a worthy one. Other Saturday flyers included Tim, Bill, Chris, Edouard, Will, Julian and Alan, with Dennis and Rainer providing instruction, and a very fine but unrecorded PNE pilot who gets our sincere thanks for his or her toils – all 15 of them.

Sunday was a quiet affair with Jamie at the helm and Tony Davies taking up tow duties depite being on the instructors roster, and me being occasionally at the DP desk, (thanks to those who took over whilst I terrorized the Cambridge hills).  We got a trial flight away first up – Shawn enjoyed his time in PC and promised to be back – he’s the one in the racy looking wheelchair with black & yellow carbon wheels - watch them mate, a few of us are cyclists and could try them out while you are away! Peter, Dave Dennison, Stuart Wilson, Julian and me in UL pretty much made up the numbers but were well supported by a total of 3 trial flights, so it wasn’t a bad day. The Easterly breeze killed off things relatively early however so we had plenty of time for a chat and computer fixes after the day was done. (How many times do I have to be reminded that many laptops have a wifi switch, very often located out of sight and easily switched off during handling????).

Only one weekend until Xmas – Camp that is – are you coming?

Reminder: The key dates for the holiday period are:

1.    Xmas Camp Waharoa – 26 Dec – 6 Jan

2.    Raglan Camp – 2 Jan – 20 Jan (yes there is an overlap – Auckland Club may be there and towing/winching may be available from them – unable to confirm this, but hope to next week)

3.    Walsh Memorial Flying School Waharoa 8 Jan – 22 Jan – no club flying from Waharoa for these dates

Lets make it a long party and enjoy some great flying if the promised stability doesn’t eventuate! I am sure there will be some thermals popping – I hope they have cores I can find the middle of – still I am used to one sided affairs .........


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