Weekly Winglets - little tipbits from the week that was (29)...

Posted 12 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

Well gentle pilots, I can tell you that it hasn't stopped raining in Auckland since dawn or earlier, and Waikato is no different, hence the cancelled sign went out for today. so idle fingers need work. No late editions this week!

The mole has already leaked committee activity from Wednesday 18th, he (she?) has no respect for his lowly peers, struggling to find something to write about. However I have gazzumped him and taken to publishing this edition of Winglets to a broader audience, here on the website.

To business............

Winter did get its way ruling out flying on Wednesday again as well, but Saturday was a day; oh yes.

Hiding behind cloud base of about 2500 -300 feet was a huge wave band that seemed to stretch from Thames to Taupo (OK - Te Aroha to Te Poi), and once it began to show itself, a number of eager beavers turned up.

PK was rigged and readied and Peter & Dom flew some circuits. Then the Duo Trio turned up (Steve, Bob and Dave) with YL and after a circuit for Bob and Steve, Dave climbed in and disappeared with Bob, East bound for the wave.

Will Kamp took his DP's compulsory flight with Dom in PK and followed YL into the unknown, and an eery quiet came over the field. Not for long however, as Roger had GJ rigged in a flash and was soon heading for mecca.

David Muckle arrived shortly after, wheeling out WW to take up the attack. Iggy and his mate Chris decided that my suggestion of getting NI out warranted support, so all at once the hangar was empty! Being last man away at 16:07 I was keen to get high and get down asap, happy and content. Little did I know that I was about to take a romp around the sky looking like a drunken hawk - oh yes I found it (wild rotor) and was a little stupified by the experience, but happy that I found my way home OK after flying nearly to the swamp to find a hole in the cloud and barely losing a foot in altitude!

David reckoned I was working some secret leavers to make the wings flap when he went past, but didn't look too hard because his little stubs were trying to emulate NI's apparently. I am now initiated and, wiser as to what I should have done - as Roger commented "we've all been there", so I guess I am part of that club now too! 

What I didn't do was ask Alan Belworthy, our wave guru, why he wasn't flying - did he know what I found out? In fairness he was working hard tidying up loose ends on his ASK 13 (GS) readying it for use. Evey was busy sewing covers as well, so the B team was having a full on day. 

Visitors included Rainer and Anna and Wills friend Kim, who managed to fill in a few times on the laptop for me, and make some suggestions for improvements - thanks Kim. 

In all 9 flights taken in 5 gliders for a total of 6hrs and 11mins flying by 9 pilots, which, given the general look of the day, was a great turnout for winter. Moral: There can be great flying in weather that looks like rubbish. 

Look out for the Awards Dinner invite later this week and meantime check you have got the date of 18 August reserved for this function.

Finally, please pay your subs asap. The Awards Dinner is for club members and the rsvp date for the dinner is Monday 13 August. If you haven't paid your subs by then you won't be able to attend the dinner!




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