Thanks, and upcoming contests

Posted 12 years ago    0 comments

Ah it's great to be back in NZ, at work, and in temperatures that are less than 43 degrees.

I'd like to say thanks to everyone who helped during the contest in Australia:

  • To everyone who sent me texts, emails, facebooks of help, advice and support.
  • The Mike Rix Trust for helping with airfares to Australia.
  • The racing committees in NZ and Australia for all their help organising.
  • Ian Grant for the use of his glider, and the days spent crewing for me and helping out.
  • Ian McCallum, for being such a great opponent.
  • Benalla gliding club, for their support, letting me use the airfield cars and sorting out accomodation, and help with all the competition paperwork.
  • Bryan Hayhow, Andy Smith, and the Maddocks crew for all their help, and keeping me entertained on non flying days.

Today I learned I should have left the trophy in Australia, as it will be flown there again next year, and that would have saved shipping. Doh! So if anyone wants(!) to take it over to Aussie, let me know.

I'll be doing a write up for the next magazine.

MetService rural weather forecast charts coming back soon

MetService have updated their website, and the rural weather lost it's great little temperature and rain charts. I really like these, they gave a good indicator how stable the day will be, and how fast it will get hot. Good news, they'll be coming back soon.

Club Class Competition & MSC Comp in Taupo

Final call for anyone entering the NZ National Club Class Competition, or the Matamata Soaring Centre competitions. Early bird entries must be in before the end of January. Enter here: 

Current list of entries are as follows, we currently have Brett, Edouard, Bob and myself going from Piako:

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