Not So Weekly Winglet #51

Posted 10 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Another weekend is behind us & there are a few things I need to let you know about. You may or may not be aware that we played host to 7ATC Sqn Hamilton over the weekend. They camped at the field & enjoyed two glorious days of flying. 

Here are some statistics from the weekend:

1 Quad Bike in use retrieving gliders

2 club members took aero tows

8am start time for Club Members

9am first launch Saturday & Sunday

14 Club Members involved over the weekend to make it happen

38 ATC Cadets & Leaders

74 winch launches without incident


So you get the idea that there was a lot of activity & a lot of people giving up a lot of their weekend to make it all happen. Special thanks needs to go to Kent Muckle for his help in retrieving gliders on the quad & to Hamilton Honda for the Loan of the Quad without which the turnaround time would not have been anywhere near as quick. There was a lot of interest from the cadets in continuing their flying so we will endeavour to keep in touch with them & encourage them back out for more. 

As already mentioned in the statisics the winch performed faultlessly over the whole weekend, no rope breaks, no broken weak links. So it would appear that we have a pretty reliable operation.

Thanks to all involved is really was a very successful weekend.


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