Not So Weekly Winglet #147

Posted 10 years, 12 months ago    0 comments

Summer So Far:

It’s worth commenting more on the Nationals as there really was a lot going on over the two weeks. So many people did so much to make the competition a success. Paul Castle did a sterling job as grid marshall, ably assisted by Nigel Brinkworth and a team of rope runners made up mainly of Youth Glide members (thanks Hamish, Emma,  Scott & others). Joan made sure all the paper work was in order & that everyone paid their bills as well as answering the retrieve phone. The radio was attended by Mavis & Evie while Jan kept everyone fed & watered.

With Ralph as contest director the whole fortnight was a huge success even if the weather was not always playing its part. A big thanks also needs to go to Bill and the Soaring Centre for their part in running a great competition. To all those day winners, class winners & overall winners - well done & congratulations. To those first time competitors I hope that you have had your appetite for soaring competitively well whetted.

I almost forgot the tow pilots, without whom the competition would not have got off the ground, thank you so much for your involvement in the completion. I’m sure I have forgotten to thank someone, its not intentional, there are so many that helped out, if this is you, thank you so much.

As a club we are well back from a much shorter than usual Raglan camp & you may have heard that BZA is having some repairs to the elevator as a result of some corrosion in the framework. This is a perfect opportunity to get that winch rating & have a go at getting away from a winch launch. Rumour has it that one pilot recently took a winch launch, climbed to over 4000’ overhead the field before pushing into wind toward the high point & climbing to near 5000’ in easterly wave! Now that is what I call getting your maximum value from a $15 winch launch! Come on out & see if you can top that as there is still plenty of great soaring weather ahead of us.


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