North Island Regionals about to start

Posted 9 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

It's a wet, humid day in the Waikato, and today is the practice day for the NI Regionals. I don't think there will be much practice going on, however a good chance to sort out GPS equipment and the like. We have 18 competitors entered so far.

The past week we've had the X-Country course, which this year had 9 participants.  They took turns flying cross country with insturctors, and flying on their own. From our club Will Camp and Noel Bailey both flew and had some of their longest solo flights so far.

Marion from Auckland is catering for the contest and is looking for help this week with dinners, if anyone would be willing to give up a few hours even for a day.

The entry form for the Nationals in Taupo is up, and you can find it here:

Starting 23rd Jan 2016. More info can be found on their website:

For the regionals coming up, tasks and scores as they come in will be going up on Soaring Spot which can be seen here:

Landouts can been seen on soaring track:

Tomorrow looks like a good day, we'll try and put updates here and on Facebook when we can, although time is limited when scoring and flying!

New canopy cover for XP! Thanks to Marion from Auckland Gliding Club
New canopy cover for XP! Thanks to Marion from Auckland Gliding Club

The end of a long 400km flight
The end of a long 400km flight

Some lovely convergence flying recently
Some lovely convergence flying recently

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