New Booking System Up and Running

Posted 16 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

Hi all, we've just launched the new booking system on the website. We've tried to make it super simple to use, here's what to do:

  1. Go to the front page of the website or the roster
  2. Click the "Book" button beside the day you want to book
  3. Choose what you want to book and fill in the details.

What can you book?

Anyone can book any of the following:

  • Any of the club gliders
  • A glider and instructor
  • Trial Flights & Voucher Flights
  • A tow (for private owners)

The main goals of the new bookings system

  • Give everyone an idea of how many people will be turning up on a day.
  • Make it easy for the public to book flights
  • Get contact details so we can contact you if the day is cancelled for any reason.
  • Make it easy to book the club gliders, and show if they are free.

Changing/Cancelling a booking

When you make a booking you will receive an email that has a link to cancel it. Click the link, then click the "Cancel booking" button.

To change a booking you'll need to cancel the first booking, then make a new booking.

If you have any trouble, or don't have internet access, contact Dennis or Tim, or email and we can make and cancel bookings for you.

No doubt there will be tweaks needed to how it works, so please any feedback is welcome.

We'll be giving a short demo of the booking system at the Start of season Briefing this sunday, see you then.

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