MSC Comp Day 3, Sports Day 7

Posted 15 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

Well another boomer of a day. It started off gloomy yet again, with a cold front and showers passing overhead around 11am. By 1pm things were looking much better, the thermals started kicking off and didn't stop till late afternoon, enabling tasks to be set.

David summarises the weather for us like no other. Remotely from Auckland too. It's almost like he's here with us.
David summarises the weather for us like no other. Remotely from Auckland too. It's almost like he's here with us.

Thermals ended up big and powerful, a few streets, big gaps between, the odd shower, and inevitably the odd landout. 4 in total, out of an now-up-to 27 competitors.

A big congrats to Robin Britton, being the only Sports class competitor to make it around the task again! Edouard and Sandy landed back while Maurice and Tim landed in paddocks around the countryside. Maurice landed early giving the others a chance to catch up with some points, making the competition a little more interesting. Full scores for sports class here.

Tim's handy tip of the day: don't go looking for lift behind a rain cloud.

Also well done to Bryan O'Brien who took out Club class yet again, and Patrick Driessen (again!) and Trevor Terry who tied for first place for the Fast class. Unusual, but can happen due to the handicap system. Full scores for club class here, and fast class here.

Looks like another really good day tomorrow, looking forward to it already.

A stunning morning with Maurice chomping at the bit to get going.
A stunning morning with Maurice chomping at the bit to get going.

Closeup of the view without Maurice. Sorry Maurice.
Closeup of the view without Maurice. Sorry Maurice.

Dave decided to bring in half his glider to get his flight off the GPS. Yes that's a headrest.
Dave decided to bring in half his glider to get his flight off the GPS. Yes that's a headrest.

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