MSC Comp Day 2, Sports Day 6

Posted 15 years, 11 months ago    1 comment

The morning started with a grim weather report. The tephigrams didn't look promising at all, wind minimal, and generally not very impressive. It didn't take long to work out David Hirst accidentally sent us last Monday's forecast, and today was in-fact going to be a cracker!

And indeed it was a real boomer. Although there were westerlies, they weren't very strong so the day was primarily a thermal day. Sports class were given a 170km speed task, with club and fast classes given a 200-400km AAT task, with 20 and 25km circles respectively.

It was a long day, but everyone made it around without landing out. There were a number of saves from low down.

Keith Irvine was on hand to take some photos of the finishes with his super zoom lens, thanks Keith

Watering the big field in the sky
Watering the big field in the sky

The welcoming committee were applauding people as they arrived.
The welcoming committee were applauding people as they arrived.

Delta Xray with Nigel doing a fly-through
Delta Xray with Nigel doing a fly-through

Results are available here for sports class, here for fast, and here for club class. Well done to Maurice Honey, Brian O'Bryan, and Patrick Driessen. (Hmmm that's almost the same as yesterday...)


David Hirst
15 years, 11 months ago
Go Tim!!!

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