Matamata Airshow and Family Carnaval Sat 13th March

Posted 14 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

On 13.3.2010 we will have an airshow and carnival on our airfield. Naturally the gliding club will be there boots and all. The format of the event is trial flights from us and other participants (helicopters, microlights, gyros, …) for a period before and after the demonstrations themselves, demonstration flying during the middle of the day, and culturaland other events on the airfield all day.

Have a look at

for more details. Helpers will be needed for the following: Organizing of the event itself setting up in the morning, tidy up at night, somebody to help at the gate, .. Promoting gliding and the gliding club Glider flights – trial flights and flying during the show

A limited number of spots are available for helpers – Steve Care will be organizing the flying side of things, Anna Doerr will organize the other bits. If you wish to help, please let us know ASAP as we have to organize passes. Without a pass, cost is $10 per car.  CAA has approved this event and its format.


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