Landing contest last weekend

Posted 13 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

A big thanks to Bill for organising a very enjoyable landing contest last weekend. It was suprisingly difficult to touch down accurately, and many first attempts ended up touching down way too early. Honestly I thought we were meant to STOP by the bucket, not touch down there... anyway Things quickly improved however, well done to Steve for pretty much getting it bang on.

The winching was also excellent practice, for any new pilots who haven't done it yet, be sure to come out and give it a go next time. Unusually, the best bit is paying the bill at the end. You really do get a lot of fun for your money.

Here's a few pics from Saturday.

The crowds were a rowdy bunch
The crowds were a rowdy bunch

The passenger was obviously relaxed enough to be taking pics
The passenger was obviously relaxed enough to be taking pics

Dodging rain, yet again
Dodging rain, yet again

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