Good Day 2 XCountry Course

Posted 14 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

We had a very interesting day 2 at the XCountry course. A few landouts, a number of land backs, and crazy weather.

We started off optimistic however a trough didn't move away quite as quick as we would have liked, and the associated easterly wind isn't conducive to good thermals. The advice from our intrepid yet remote weather man was to go south, and the first half of the day this was very true, with North looking rather shabby indeed.

"for they didst gaze out apon the assembled murk to the North and declare that, yea, it looketh like poo. Southward they didst go!" were the wise words from David. Followed by a 4pm of "And lo! The showers didst arrive, though in a Slightly Patchy manner, and yet only of a Mild annoyance to those on Final Glide from the South".

A small 75km task was set for Waharoa, Arapuni, Tirau, Waharoa. We had cold easterly wind cutting off thermals around the airfield, but those who got away faired better, with a few getting around. Bad luck Bob, landing out at the spud patch.

Later in the day things change a lot, with the south over developing, raining in places, and the Te Aroha area turning into booming conditions. Finally after everyone was back or being retrieved it rained on us here at the airfield.

Where we tasked to
Where we tasked to

Where we didn't task to
Where we didn't task to

Many of the usual suspects
Many of the usual suspects

Trev Terry's glider seems to always gets in the way of good photos
Trev Terry's glider seems to always gets in the way of good photos

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