Gliding Safely Seminar – report by Bob Gray, CFI

Posted 14 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

It was good to see a full house for our Gliding Safely seminar in April. From the feedback that I received, the message was well received. Our three speakers went through the recent accident record in NZ, then personal safety awareness and finally Landout decision making.

We also welcomed glider pilot visitors from Taranaki, Tauranga and Thames and also Don Waters, the regional CAA Safety officer came along for the seminar and had a few words for the group.

I know that some pilots could not be there because of commitments elsewhere and for those there is a copy of the written presentations available as well as video of the proceedings which is available to club members. If you would like a copy of these, please send me an email, or phone call. I’ll be looking to catch up with those that couldn’t make it personally over the next couple of months.

I will be aiming to provide at least two opportunities each year - at the beginning and the end of the season - for safety and currency theory training for all our glider pilots. Our next session will be at the start of next season, mid September, where we will be talking about dehydration and Motor Glider operations, as well as general pre-season information on Club and Local Operations and update on Airspace for the season.

Also go along to the CAA AvKiwi Safety Seminar – the next one is in Hamilton at 7.00pm on 31 May Waikato Aero Club. See CAA website for other dates and locations.

Remember – the pilot is the last line of defence against an accident, think safety and fly safely.

Bob Gray - CFI

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