Club flying over the next 2 weeks

Posted 16 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

There's a lot happening over the next couple of weeks, here's a quick outline.

This weekend is normal club flying, the only thing to be aware of is EFTPOS will not be available Saturday as we're using it at CentrePlace. Here is the roster:

Saturday 22nd Nov
Instructors: Tony Davies, Dom Stevens, Rainer
Tow Pilot: Jeffery Hunter
Duty Pilot: Chris Money

Sunday 23rd Nov
Instructors: Tony Davies, Rainer Kunnemeyer
Tow Pilot: Ian Hector
Duty Pilot: Mark Drayson

Sunday evening is a BBQ and briefing for those on the cross country course.

Monday 24th - Friday 28th Nov: Cross Country Course 
All club gliders are booked for the week, there won't be club flying on Wednesday.
Towing will be available all week for private owners.
The tow pilots intend to hang around after the X country launch only for an hour or so on the weekdays depending on demand. They will stay long anough for any re-lights so if anybody turns up during that period we will be happy to tow them.
Launching will be similar to a competition grid launch, you'll need to have your glider to the end of the grid before launching, or wait until after.

Saturday 29th Nov: Normal club flying

This is the competition practice day, there will be lots of gliders, but otherwise normal flying. GSN and GXP might be booked.
Book other gliders like normal through the booking system.

Sun 30th Nov - Sat 6th Dec: Regional Contest 
Towing and club gliders will be available all week, with priority given to the competition.
GSN and GXP are booked for use in the competition, GPK, GPC and GNI are available for use by club members.
Instructors will not be rostered on, so if you want one you'll need to make your own arrangements.
We will also need help launching the glider grid, Contact Les at if you can help out with this.
Typically those wanting to fly help with the launch, and have their gliders ready at the back of the grid.
If you would like to fly a club glider it will need to be DI'ed and down the end of the field well before the grid launches.
The time the grid launches varies depending on conditions, but normally somewhere between 11am and 2pm.
Please use the booking system at least the day before you intend to come out, to book any of the club gliders.

Flying during a competition is great fun, there are lots of people, lots of gliders, and a great atmosphere. Hopefully we'll see you out there!

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