Club Class Day 5 and 6

Posted 11 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

Two very interesting days. Day 5 had us heading into the blue to the north, which was a lot of fun but a real challenge. Lake and sea breezes were the key feature of the day.

Many landed out on course, and a number landed back. I picked out a lovely airstrip, and had Iggy and Adam retrieve me by car. I quickly realised walking down the track there was no way we were going to get a trailer up there except by helicopter.  They found some farm workers with a 4WD and a farm bike, and drove up the track to find me and check out the strip. After careful analysis by Iggy, we decided it was safe to tow out of thanks to it's 500m length. He then drove back to the airfield, picked up the Pawnee and retreived me the proper way. Back in time for dinner at 8pm.

Yesterday, day 6, was much better with a new airmass arriving from the east, bringing good unstable air making lots of good thermals. We also had lake/sea breeze at the southern turnpoint but everyone made it home OK. Speeds just under 100km/h for the club class, and just over for the open class.

The open class Matamata Soaring Contest is a separate contest with scores here: 

Today looks a bit cloudy this morning, but improving as the day progresses.

Forest next to the airstrip
Forest next to the airstrip

People watching people watching Brett fire up the JS1 Jet engine. The motor racing park complained about the noise. Just joking.
People watching people watching Brett fire up the JS1 Jet engine. The motor racing park complained about the noise. Just joking.

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