2nd MSC Task Weekend

Posted 9 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

After a successful ridge weekend 2 weekends ago, we're up for another go at the great MSC Task Weekend this coming Saturday & Sunday (21st & 22nd March).

At this stage the long range forecast is for clear weather Saturday, with a good chance Sunday will be clear too until late evening.

Don't forget we will have the BBQ going Saturday evening, so bring some meat and/or a salad. The bar will be open of course as well.

The turnpoint for your GPS can be found on the MSC website:


For Piako club members, contact Tim if you're wanting to have a go x-country in a twin. And book the single seaters on the website.

A task and briefing will be given at 10am both days.

See you out there!

Who doesn't love a good rigging in the morning?!
Who doesn't love a good rigging in the morning?!

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